The Curmudgeon


Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Coming Soon

My attempt at a Lovecraftian story - either a humble attempt or a hubristic one, according to your point of view. To forestall the literal-minded among you: no, it isn't set in Providence, Rhode Island; no, it doesn't pastiche Lovecraft's literary style; and no, none of the characters is a lamp-post. If any of that puts you off, then so be it; caveat venditor.

The cover photograph is not mine; it is by Giovanna Ceroni. I mentioned to her that I'd like to have a "Penguin Classics cover", a picture whose relation to the book was more atmospheric than literal; and she duly came up trumps.

I have received a printed proof, and hope to publish soon. In the meantime, my backlist is just as available as ever, and includes several shamefully under-purchased items.


  • At 7:31 pm , Anonymous Madame X said...

    Congrats. Lovely cover design. I'm of the "less is more" school.

  • At 5:39 pm , Blogger Philip said...

    Thanks, Madame.

  • At 10:29 pm , Blogger Giovanni Tiso said...

    That is indeed a lovely cover.

  • At 10:40 am , Blogger Buck Theorem said...

    I look forward to it.

  • At 1:52 pm , Blogger Philip said...

    I look forward to getting it over with. My own contribution to the back cover has spawned several typos since I ordered the proof copy, and I dread to think what awaits me on the inside. But yes, this front is, at the least, one of the best I've ever had.


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